The Ultimate Guide: Ranking the Cutest Dog Breeds You Can't Resist

The Ultimate Guide: Ranking the Cutest Dog Breeds You Can’t Resist



This cross-breed pup is the result of breeding a miniature poodle with a Maltese. They’re known to be lively, energetic and just plain adorable.

cutest dog breeds chow chow

Thais Almeida//Getty Images



Good thing chow-chows are so cute: they’re notoriously stubborn and difficult to train.

cutest dog breeds shih tzu

Joel Hawkins//Getty Images


Shih Tzu

If those big, soulful eyes and floppy ears don’t do it for you, the attitude will. This breed is known for showering its humans with affection and devotion.

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cutest dog breeds border collie

Purple Collar Pet Photography//Getty Images


Border Collie

This medium-sized herding dog isn’t just cute, but presents an air of sophistication, too. Apropos of a breed from across the pond!

cutest dog breeds — pug

Robert Recker//Getty Images



Just try to resist that wrinkly face and smooshed-up muzzle! The curly tail seals the deal when it comes to cuteness.

siberian husky

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