From Desolation to Joy: The Evident Recovery of a Rescued Abandoned Dog

Meet Bella! On a chilly morning in November 2022, the Cebu Animal Haven received an аɩeгt about a dіѕtгeѕѕed dog spotted near a local alleyway. She was frail and visibly malnourished. Fortunately, with the shelter nearby, a team of dedicated volunteers promptly responded to the call. Upon arrival, they realized she had recently delivered puppies and was on tһe Ьгіпk of starvation, deѕрeгаteɩу requiring immediate aid. 
Upon their arrival, they were met with a heart-wrenching sight: a female dog so frail and emaciated that she could barely move.

Even though she had been rescued hours ago, she remained frightful and shaken. Sadly, her test results revealed that she was positive for heartworm disease, as well as having low levels of platelets and red blood cells.

Let’s all send some positive vibes and well wishes to Olivia, who’s currently undergoing a 14-day isolation period to ensure she’s free from rabies. Let’s hope for a speedy recovery for her!


It would be great if we could spread the word about this girl’s story and help her find the ideal family to adopt her.

It’s heart-wrenching to witness a male dog crying and pleading for help while quietly watching its partner’s life slip away. Dogs have a remarkable ability to form deep bonds with each other and respond to one another’s emotions with empathy and understanding.In a viral video, it is evident that while people ignore the hurt dog, her male companion remains watchful and attentive. The loyal friend stands guard by her side, indicating his concern for her wellbeing.

Pets In Love, a YouTube channel, shared a video showing a wounded stray dog lying on the ground in Azerbaijan after being hit by a vehicle.


At last, a kind-hearted bystander came to the rescue. He gave a shirt to the male dog who then used it to cover his injured companion like a warm blanket. The two dogs patiently waited for help after someone passing by called for assistance.

Upon the arrival of the rescue team, they took both dogs to receive medical treatment. The female dog was injured, and the male dog continuously watched over her in the room. After receiving care and being named Max and Ruby, they were kept together in the same room. It took a month for Ruby to start walking again, which brought immense relief to Max.


Pets In Love reported that Max and Ruby’s story had a delightful conclusion as they were adopted and now reside together in the United States, enjoying their lives happily and splendidly!



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