Basset hounds steadfastly stand by a dying baby’s side until her final breath, providing heartwarming companionship until the very end

5-month-old Nora Hall suffered a terrible stroke, causing significant brain damage.

It was then found that she was born with pulmonary hypertension. She didn’t have long to live. She was placed in a medically induced coma for the following three weeks.

In Nora’s 5 short months, she had won the hearts of her two dogs, Basset Hounds Gracie and Grumpy. “Gracie, especially, took on the position of second mother,” Mary Hall told ABC News. “Whenever Nora would cry, Gracie would go to check what was happening. She was constantly, always beside Nora and kissing her and making sure she was OK.”

When the family prepared to let Nora go, The Children’s Hospital in Minneapolis asked the family if there were any last requests. Nora’s parents strongly responded “Yes.” They wanted to know if their two dogs could say a final goodbye to their newborn girl.

“I asked, ‘If you could allow us keep our dogs [at the hospital], we’d really appreciate that,’” Hall added. “I didn’t want to go home and have them looking around for her and not knowing where she went. They lowered the bed so the dogs could sleep with her and Gracie rushed up and kissed her.”

“It was incredibly nice,” Mary added. “It offered us a lot of comfort.”

Gracie and Grumpy continue to comfort their family each and every day. Rest in peace, dear Nora. Sl

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