Heartbroken Dog Found Next To Deceased Owner Melts Into His New Momma’s Arms 2023

Heartbroken Dog Found Next To Deceased Owner Melts Into His New Momma’s Arms

Heartbroken Dog Found Next To Deceased Owner Melts Into His New Momma’s Arms

There are some dogs whose stories make you cry your soul out, and Tyson is definitely one of them!

When I first heard this sturdy, senior boi’s story, I couldn’t gather my thoughts for hours. This New York City boi was found in an apartment next to his deceased owner, and, according to his rescuers – he was there for about five days.

All I could think about was how he was doing. Was he afraid? How long was it until he realized that he was all alone in this world now?

Tyson had no clear idea what was going on, but he definitely sensed that something was not right. And, when the time finally came for this boi to come out and leave his home, his heart broke into a million pieces…

Tyson’s Devastating Backstory

Tyson was definitely one of the most devastated, heartbroken doggos I have ever seen. When the good people of Twenty Paws Rescue, from Brooklyn, New York, arrived at the spot to pick him up, he literally crawled into his crate and refused to go out.

He was so scared and felt so alone that he didn’t have enough strength to get out. But, these long-time rescuers knew that there’s only one thing that heals a broken heart – time!

They waited long enough for Tyson to realize that they wouldn’t hurt him. Eventually, he let them take him out of his long-time home.

It must’ve been really hard watching his owner pass away, as Tyson was really struggling. He was diagnosed with anemia and, sadly, a broken heart. He refused to eat or hang out with other dogs, and he stayed in his crate the entire time.

This heartbroken dog needed someone to understand his pain, and that someone was Laura!

Learning How To Love Again

The TPR team found the perfect foster mom for Tyson! Laura, a long-time volunteer and major dog lover, did everything in her power to make this big boi feel at peace. And, after a few days, it seemed that she had made huge progress!

With her gentle approach and just the right amount of love and patience, Tyson started eating properly. He even gave his new momma the gentlest kisses, and cuddled almost around the clock.

After a while, Tyson started going out and playing with other doggos. Little by little, this senior canine came out of his shell, indicating that he was finally ready to put trust into another hooman.

Sarah’s The One

The TPR team tried to reach out to Tyson’s owner’s family, but no one seemed to be able to adopt this beautiful boi.

But then, a woman named Sarah showed up! This kind-hearted animal enthusiast reached out to TPR and offered to provide Tyson with a forever home, and that turned out to be the greatest idea ever!

From the moment she stepped foot into the facility, Tyson immediately fell in love with her!

“He’s just been through so much, and you always hope that things go well for them. But when they initially hit it off like this, it’s just a beautiful feeling,” says Rachel, one of the volunteers.

He literally melted into Sarah’s arms and welcomed her with his paws and heart wide open!

“I will totally miss him. It’s so sweet though. It just makes me really happy to see him happy,” says Laura.

Seeing Tyson finding “the one” after so much pain was very emotional and tear-jerking. Rachel and Laura were crying tears of joy, so happy to be able to see this amazing dog find his forever home.

“I’m excited to welcome him into my life and just watch him get more comfortable and realize that, you know, this is my final stop. This is where I live now, and this is home,” says Sarah.

After all this time, Tyson has finally picked up where he left off and embarked on a wonderful journey with his new momma.

A Dog Abandoned By His Family Shuts Himself Out From Everything

Horrible things can happen to almost anyone these days. However, it’s when these things affect the people we are closest to that it hurts the most.

Some families often end up in many financial problems and have to abandon their pets as a result.

It’s not fair, but it’s how the world works, and it’s the best chance they will have at living a new life.

In this story, we will talk about a dog who was abandoned by his family and just checked out from everything.

A Tragic Fate

When Ritter’s family was going through many problems, they realized that Ritter and his sibling had to be surrendered to a shelter.

The Humane Society in Hamilton County, Indiana, took them in with no question, and they were sad to see the state he was in.

He seemed so depressed, like he had completely given up on life. Ritter couldn’t understand why his family left him there – he just knew that he wanted them back.

Unfortunately, that was not going to happen. In order to help raise awareness about this wonderful dog, the shelter workers took a photo of him and posted it on social media.

The photo went viral pretty quickly and it was shared a lot throughout every platform. The people saw this sad dog and expressed their desire to help in any way they could.

Ritter’s New Opportunity

One of the workers at the shelter, Megan, told WISH-TV, from Indiana, that they were lucky to have taken that picture, and that it’s an example of not just Ritter, but every animal who is suffering like him.

It just so happens that this portrayed the best of what so many dogs are going through in their life on the street and in the shelters.

All of these adorable dogs who were surrendered to a shelter have their own heartbreaking reason for being there, and it’s up to us to help them.

However, in the end, all the attention Ritter got through social media meant that he was able to find his forever home pretty quickly, and he now lives an amazing life.

While his sibling was not fortunate enough to find a new family yet, the shelter workers are doing everything they can for him and all the other dogs there.

It’s amazing to see just how much they are trying to help all of the dogs live a normal life with a family who will care for them.

Dog Is So Excited To See His Old Friend, A Prisoner Who Saved His Life 

If you have never heard of a program called New Leash on Life USA, this story will definitely make you want to know more.

This organization brought together an unlikely duo: a high-risk dog named Pavlov and Steven Morales, an inmate in the Philadelphia Prison System. 

Through their unique partnership, they both discovered the redemptive power of love and a second chance at life.

New Leash on Life USA not only rescues animals, but also provides inmates with the opportunity to find compassion, purpose, and a fresh start, which ultimately changes the lives of dogs and inmates in profound ways.

A Life-Changing Program 

Pavlov was found wandering the streets, and was brought to Animal Care and Control Organization, in Philadelphia, PA.

He was in terrible shape – very skinny, malnourished, and with a horrible coat. 

Thankfully, New Leash on Life heard about Pavlov and decided to pull him out of the high-risk shelter and into their program.

This non-profit pairs high-risk dogs with prisoners who later train the dogs and make sure they are ready to be adopted into great families.

Steven Morales met Pavlov when he was serving time in prison. At first, he was unsure of all that, but soon, the two became the best of friends.

“Pavlov and I, we lived together. We ate together. We basically did everything together,” Steven told The Dodo.

The more time they spent together, the more their bond grew stronger. 

“He was very loving. We built like an attachment,” Steven added.

Two months into the program, Pavlov started to listen to commands and make some progress, but he wasn’t the only one who changed – Steven did as well.

As a result, Steven even got released from prison early. “I wanted to take Pavlov with me, but I didn’t know where I was gonna be living. It was hard to be separated from him, after everything we had been through,” he said.

Steven ended up completely turning his life around and becoming an Animal Control Officer at ACCT Philly.

A Touching Reunion 

Since coming out of the prison, Steven and Pavlov have not seen each other for almost six years.

Pavlov met an amazing woman named Marina who adopted him immediately.

“The first time I met Pavlov it was kind of one of those love at first sights. He is super loving. Loves to gives kisses. He’s sweet. I’m really, really lucky to have him in my life, and I have Steven to thank,” Marina said.

Although Marina and Steven became very good Facebook friends, and she regularly sends him photos of Pavlov, they have never met in person. “Maybe one day, we’ll get together and hand out with Pavlov,” Steven wished.

But, what he didn’t know was that a surprise reunion was in the making.

Steven thought he was being filmed for a documentary about his job, but as soon as Pavlov entered the room, he was completely speechless.

It was priceless. 

Pavlov was very excited, so he started jumping around. They soon started playing just like they did in the prison yard.

“I was definitely surprised. I haven’t seen him in probably like six years. It was really nice to see him,” Steven said. “It makes me very, very happy that he found someone that loves him just as much as I loved him.”

It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience that changed both of their lives for the good.

A Very Unique-Looking Dog Helps His Owner Conquer A Difficult Life Period

It sure is a common thing that in the eyes of every pet owner, their pet is the most special, prettiest, and best animal in the whole wide world.

However, I think we can all agree that the dog we are going to meet today sure does look unique and quite interesting.

A Very Unique Dog

When Tiffany Goossen saw a picture of a puppy who looked as if she had come out of a cartoon, she knew she had to go and meet her.

And, as soon as she did, she knew it was meant to be.

“I just knew she was mine, like, right away. It’s kind of like when you fall in love, you know, you just know,” said Tiffany.

Tiffany was informed that the pup was blind and abandoned, living all alone on the streets in quite harsh conditions.

Kids, drunk people were throwing rocks at her and stuff.

Not being able to understand how somebody could treat this pup that way, Tiffany decided that she had to adopt her.

New Life

As soon as this pup, now named Kila, found out about the charms of living a life surrounded by love, she let go of her old life and embraced the new, better one.

She’s the sweetest thing, you know, she doesn’t let the fact that she’s blind or that she’d been abused as a puppy, like, make her mad at the world or not love anybody.

Kila does not let her blindness define her and she very much enjoys spending her days at the dog park, playing with her furry friends.

Even though she doesn’t know which dog she is running after, it doesn’t matter to her as she is not picky. She will play with whoever is around.

She just, like, she knows when there’s life around. And she gets excited and she barks and she wants everyone to know she’s there. So, you know, she gets around fine.

Perfect Timing

Kila really did pick the perfect time to come into her mom’s life. Tiffany felt a bit lost, going between jobs and not feeling like herself.

Since I got her, you know, I just see how she’s happy all the time and how’s she just happy to be alive and how she lives in the moment and it’s a good lesson to learn. I think dogs are wonderful for that reason.

Tiffany has also adopted a little kitten who soon became Kila’s best friend.

They love spending their afternoons together, running around the house and then cuddling on the couch, and eventually falling asleep in each other’s paws.

Final Word

It’s incredible to think how big of a life lesson an animal can teach us.

Tiffany is constantly reminded that no matter how hard life gets, it doesn’t mean that you have to stop smiling and looking for those little moments that make everything worth it.

She’s nice all the time for no reason and so I try to live my life like that now. It made me a lot happier.

Trembling Shelter Pup Showers Her Foster Dad With Kisses

Stray dogs live a lonely life, deprived of the chance to feel human love. While they try to survive on the streets, they are faced with dangers that we can only imagine.

Once they’re rescued and brought to shelters, these pups often carry traumas and fears that they need to overcome in order to become real dogs who can fully enjoy life.

Our next story is about Lala, one of those traumatized, stray dogs who found herself in a shelter, shivering with fear. As she spent her days hiding in her kennel, little did she know that her life would soon change.

Overwhelmed With Fear

Lala was a resident at Family Dogs New Life Shelter, located in Portland, Oregon. She was scared of people, and avoided socializing with the staff. Although they did their best to take care of her and make her feel safe, the doggo felt sad.

The shelter staff contacted Lee Asher, a dog rescuer and the founder of The Asher House, a nonprofit animal sanctuary in Oregon.

When he came to visit Lala, she was shivering with fear in her hiding place under a table. Asher was deeply moved.

“I’ve seen a lot of scared dogs, but there was something about this one that really touched my heart.”

He started sitting on the floor with her, talking to her and trying to gain her trust. Gradually, he moved closer to her, and soon, the pup let him stroke her neck. Little by little, Lala became more relaxed.

“She would run up and smell me and then run away. She let me pet her a couple times,” said Asher.

Asher began teaching her to walk on a leash. At first, she would get frightened and take the leash off, but eventually, she got used to it.

Lala Is Eager To Start A New Chapter In Life

She was ready to go to foster care at his sanctuary. Asher knew that she still had a lot of anxiety, but he was sure that his pack would help her heal.

Lala seemed eager to go with Asher. She jumped in the truck before it was even open. Asher kissed her and promised her that she would have a great time at the sanctuary.

The adorable pooch climbed into Asher’s lap while he was driving and she put her head through the window. She was enjoying her freedom ride home. 

“I knew this wasn’t the safest thing in the world, but she was just dying to be next to me, and I couldn’t move her.“

Once they arrived at The Asher House, Asher couldn’t wait to introduce Lala to his pack. He wanted her to feel as calm and safe as possible.

First, he introduced her to his smaller dogs who sniffed her and welcomed her home. Later, she met the bigger dogs. All of them were excited to have her. They wagged their tails.

Asher wrapped his arms around Lala, wishing to make her feel safe and at home. Lala felt loved like never before and she covered her dad’s face with sweet kisses.

Finding Her Place Under The Sun

He was thrilled to see that she fit in perfectly into the pack. Lala became a confident doggo whose eyes sparkled with joy. She had a wide smile on her face.

Asher realized that this was the place where she belonged.

“She was so free… She was in her element. This was the place that she was born to be. Going across the trails and exploring, through the river. I don’t think she’s ever seen water before. I’ll never forget it.“

Thanks to Asher’s love and compassion, Lala succeeded in putting her fears behind her and turning her face towards the sun.

The delightful pooch changed her name to Ella. She is living her best life. She enjoys hiking and swimming in the creek with the pack. Ella’s forever home couldn’t be more perfect than it already is!

Furless Dog Transforms Into An Adorable Princess After Being Rescued

They say that a real friend is the one who walks in when everybody else walks out, and Kelly’s case is the perfect example of that!

This amazing girl didn’t have a great start in life. She was roaming the Utah salt flats, desperately trying to find a shelter and some food. She didn’t know what a gentle touch felt like, nor did she ever have a chance to have a friend.

But, one night, a giant-hearted man named Matt spotted her, and he literally stopped in his tracks…

From Salt Flats To A New Life

Matt Bentley found Kelly while he was doing some off-roading. That night, she was at her lowest point in life.

She was very weak and famished, and all covered in scabs. Kelly was barely clinging to life and Matt just knew that he had to do something about it.

“You could tell she was just famished,” Matt told The Dodo.

He slowly approached her, and even though he expected her to be timid and shy, Kelly responded amazingly! She welcomed Matt with her paws wide open and jumped right into his car, as if she was waiting to be saved all this time.

Matt took her to the nearby animal hospital, after which, she was transferred to the Utah Animal Adoption Center.

Kelly suffered from terrible mange and had inflamed skin. Her treatment process started right away, but it was more than obvious that this poor girl would need long treatment.

Amazing Transformation

In no time, Kelly became everyone’s sweetheart! Despite her condition, this lovely girl had just the most wonderful personality ever, and it was not hard for the UAAC staff to immediately fall in love with her!

But, one volunteer who found out about her stood out in the crowd! Jamie Jacques and her daughter found out about Kelly’s story and they wanted to meet her desperately.

They went into the rescue to volunteer, and as soon as they saw Kelly standing there, the decision was made – Jamie wanted to adopt her!

By the time her application was approved, Kelly went through an amazing transformation! Several weeks after she was initially admitted, she started growing her fur back, and she completely came out of her shell!

She just couldn’t wait to finally set paws in a new home. Kelly was so eager to find a family of her own and Jamie’s family was just the one!

As soon as they got home, Kelly fit in right off the bat! Jamie’s family already had a Goldendoodle named Rocky who immediately showered his new sister with love!

“From the minute we opened the front door, she just fit in right away,” said Jamie.

Every Day Is A New Adventure Now

More than a year after she was saved, Kelly reunited with her rescuer, Matt, one more time! Jamie and her family decided to meet with Matt and thank him properly for saving their beautiful girl, and this giant-hearted man just loved the idea!

When she saw him after all this time, Kelly literally ran into her rescuers’ arms, as if she was trying to say: -Thank you, hooman!

And, Matt was just happy that she finally found what she’d been looking for all this time – a loving family of her own!

Kelly adapted amazingly into her new home. Ever since that very first day, her life has been one great adventure! She and Rocky just don’t know life without each other. They get along perfectly!

The family recently moved from Utah into their Wyoming mountain home, looking for some new adventures and amazing hikes!

Unfortunately, Kelly developed the syndrome called SARDS, which caused her total blindness. But, despite her condition, she’s doing so well!

“She does the stairs like a boss and now sometimes even jumps up on the window sill when daddy gets home from work with her tail wagging as soon as she hears him,” her parents wrote.

This beautiful girl has been nothing but a warrior her entire life. She takes on every new challenge like a real fighter, but at the same time, she has never lost her sparkle! With every new day, Kelly teaches her family to embrace life as it is and to enjoy its every moment!

You can keep up with her on the Adventures of Kelly and Rocky Facebook page!

A Dog Owner Did Not Give Up On His Dog Who Was Stuck In A Drain Pipe Underground

Every pet parent knows that their pets aren’t just animals. They are their family, their lifelong friends, and their life companions.

This is exactly why one doggo dad did absolutely everything he could in order to save his pup who got in a very bad situation.

Save Me, Dad!

A nerve-wracking video went viral depicting a dog getting himself in a very bad situation.

Specifically, a dog managed to get himself stuck in an underground pipe, forcing his owner to dig through the ground to try and save him.

At first, they managed to dig a hole, locating the dog. His owner then tried to grab him with his hand and pull him out himself.

However, when he noticed that it wasn’t quite working, he tried calling him, hoping he would get out on his own.

Unfortunately, that plan did not end up working either.

His dad then proceeded to try and make the hole a little bit wider while holding his dog’s head and keeping him safe.

After a bit more digging, the doggo dad managed to make the hole big enough so that the dog could pull out his paws and finally get out of the hole.


As soon as the dog was out of the hole, he found himself in the warm and loving embrace of his father.

Even though he was a bit confused as to what was going on, unable to grasp the whole situation he found himself in moments ago, the dog was enjoying the fresh air, along with all of the love and attention.

Even though we don’t quite know how he got into that situation, in the end, it doesn’t even matter.

What matters is that the dog was saved and reunited with his hooman who did everything he could to make sure he was left uninjured.

It sure is incredible to see the extent to which pet parents would go to see their animal safe and happy. And, this does not only apply to their own pet, but to any animal in need.

Good job, hoomans!

Goldendoodle Owner Adopts A Second Dog And Finds A Third One On A Road Trip

Once you become a proud doggo mom or dad, you suddenly start noticing every single pup on the street!

Your life starts revolving around them, and you willingly accept the fact that from now on – you’re a pack member for good!

Noah Hais, from Cleveland, Ohio, knew that right from the start, but he just waited for the perfect moment to surprise his first dog, the mini Goldendoodle, Milo, with another dog.

Even though everything started out as an idea to expand his little furry family with only one dog, his plans changed in a heartbeat when he took a little road trip!

Bringing Moose Into The Family

Noah and Milo have been best friends for the last four years! His little rug-like buddy has always been the center of attention, and Noah has just always loved his playful personality.

“There isn’t one thing the two of us haven’t been through together and his childlike spirit has helped me rediscover mine. The day Milo was born was the day I was assigned an angel on earth,” says Noah.

One day, he was scrolling through the internet when he bumped into Moose  a one-eyed shelter dog that was looking for a forever home, and he immediately fell in love with the idea of adopting him!

As it turned out, Milo just loved the idea of having a brother of his own, and the two clicked in a heartbeat. Even though Moose was a little timid at first, Milo showed him all the love he needed, and the two formed a wonderful bond.

Last, But Not Least – Mowgli

Noah has always been a travel enthusiast, and having two dogs on the side didn’t stop him from taking cross-country road trips! In fact, traveling with Milo and Moose in a van was an amazing experience.

They would wake up together, take walks together, and visit amazing sites together – as a pack!

One day, they were on their way home when Noah decided to stop for some souvenirs. He got out of the van and spotted a beautiful dog.

She was so hungry that she practically devoured the food Noah gave her. She had no one to take care of her, and she was evidently left to fend for herself.

According to store owners, she was dumped the night before in the desert, and her owners never returned, so Noah decided to step in!

“It was a big decision to make, but I knew I could not leave her out there,” Noah told The Dodo.

He welcomed the little girl he later named Mowgli into his family with arms wide open, and from that moment – she was a part of their amazing pack!


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