In the aftermath of a гаⱱаɡed environment, a devoted mother dog fiercely protects her ⱱᴜɩпeгаЬɩe puppies with unyielding determination

A puppy in India was rescued after a passerby contacted the Animal Aid Unlimited shelter, after finding her and her puppies at a construction site. Abandoned dogs carry a large burden on their shoulders, which becomes even more difficult when they must care for their young all on their own. That’s why this furry one, tired of surviving on the street, collapsed among the rubble of a construction site after giving birth to her pups.

Although she no longer had the strength to get up and go on, she nestled her pups between her legs to protect them from any threat. Even though she was weak, she gave her life for them.
Animal Aid UnlimitedFortunately, she wasn’t harmed in any other way. A person who saw her in this condition contacted Animal Aid Unlimited, who immediately came to the rescue.

“This confused, desperate mother nearly collapsed after giving birth on a construction site. We were so glad that a sensitive passer-by called us to help her with her new babies and we rushed them all to our hospital where she could recover from the trauma of such a problematic delivery,” they reported.

“The babies are doing so well now, after Mama has rested for a couple of days. We’ll spay her once the babies are old enough to be weaned,” they added in a post on their Facebook page.
Her future changed for the better from one moment to the next and now she’ll receive the quality of life she always deserved, accompanied by her children who won’t have to go through the hardships she suffered.

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