It’s hard to feel happy on my birthday when I haven’t heard from anyone.-dtht

Her hungry newborn puppies were more important to her than the paralyzing pain she felt after being hit by a motorcycle!

Mama Dora’s four-year-old dog was left on the streets of Mexico after being hit by a motorcycle. Her spine was completely cut off and ruptured on impact, causing instant paralysis.

But despite her crippling pain, her first instinct was to seem out for her young puppies who needed her desperately.

Source: The Dodo/Facebook

All week Dora diligently cared for her litter even in critical condition. The brave mama knew her body was making a gift of , and this got her super stressed over the longer term of her little ones.

So when a bunch of lifeguards found her, she decided to move on with her life because of her precious children.

Source: The Dodo/Facebook

As the rescuers offered food to Dora, they immediately felt her strong will to live. They grabbed all her puppies and took her to the clinic.

After a thorough examination, the vet recommended spine surgery to repair her spine. However, it was unlikely that he would walk on all fours again.

Over subsequent few weeks, the rescuers fostered and located good forever homes for Dora’s puppies. They then shifted all their focus toward Dora’s treatment.

Dora learned to walk on her front legs brilliantly, while the surgeries somewhat repaired the extreme neurological damage.

Source: The Dodo/Facebook

Watch this video to experience a triumphant moment that brings Dora back to true independence in a wheelchair. She now happily lives in a home sanctuary that nurtures animals with special needs like her.

Dora is not just a dutiful mama but also a resilient survivor, and her journey has truly uplifted our souls!

Click the video here to watch Dora overcoming turbulent misfortunes to become a symbol of hope and grace.

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