Ángel de Dios: La increíble historia de Shi Bao, un perro que perdió sus patas traseras pero que aun así superó la adversidad para mendigar y ganarse la comida para sus hijos, demostrando que el amor de una madre va más allá de la vida. Acompáñame a ver el proceso de vida y el regreso al nuevo y querido hogar de esta familia canina. – luantrum27

A mother will do anything to ensure the health and lives of her children.

This story titled “Angel of God” is about Shi Bao, a beautiful small toad who showed that a mother’s love is beyond life.

Shι managed to survive after losing her hind legs in an accident and become a mother


The poor dog was abandoned in DaTong, China, by her owner due to the economic situation caused by the dog.

Fortunately, a group of activists rescued him and gave him another chance to see it.

When Shι was rescued, her health was critical, her back paws were seriously affected and to save her back there was no other solution than to remove them.

Unfortunately, I met a driver who ran her over.

The insensitive driver was unable to stop, leaving her with irreversible injuries.

She was taken to the Hospital Veterιnáɾιo Meιlian ZҺongҺe, where she received medical attention and, after being examined, she underwent surgery to amputate her back legs.

Doctors discovered that SҺι was pregnant, but miraculously her pregnancy was not at risk.

This dog never gave up.

The fourth puppy was the only one that was completely healthy and was adopted into a family in Norway.

Xᴜe, a veterinarian at the Meilian ZhongҺe Veterinary Hospital, expressed his surprise at this dog’s delivery of her puppies.

“Even with all the difficulties, Shi is a great mother”, said Dɾ. Xᴜe.

The rescuers posted on their Facebook account that they asked the authorities to begin an investigation process to identify the dog’s former owner.

The third puppy will travel to Cɑnadá where he will receive treatment and, as soon as he recovers, he will be adopted

The images of Shi with her babies were published on social media, moving hundreds of fans, who expressed their admiration for this dog who is setting an example to the world about the true meaning of love.

“How sad her situation is, but her motherly love is admirable, I wish you could give her a prosthesis, if God wants it to be so, blessings for the chain and her puppies”, said one user.

“A beautiful example of a mother, who, despite the evil committed by a human, fulfills her role as a mother with her children, an example to follow for many women who kill or abandon their children”, explains another.

What difficult times this dog must have had when she found herself in the house, alone, defenseless, without food or water, abandoned in the middle of nowhere without being the only way back home.

But in the midst of so many adversities, his children would come first and he would never let himself be stopped.

It’s no secret to anyone that dogs are very special beings, full of solidarity, a lot of love and a sense of protection, they are always willing to help others, especially their loved ones.

We cannot understand how, after seeing these convincing examples of dedication, self-sacrifice and love of dog mothers for their dogs, there are still people without coercion who mistreat them and leave them to their fate.

We are sorry that Shi has lost his back, but we celebrate his bravery and his life.

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