The Heartwarming Tale of Two Wild Pups: A Story of Unwavering Friendship and Happiness Across the Globe

Two kindhearted young boys living on the streets, feeling scared and alone, were taken in by Buddhist nuns in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Their heartwarming story is making waves on social media.
A touching image shows the boys watching over a puppy at a sanctuary in the temple, with their friend nestled in their paws.

In another photo, the dog is seen sitting in a pose reminiscent of a revered Buddhist figure, as he peacefully meditates alongside his human companions.

It seems that these two dogs were rescued and brought to a temple in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, after being left on the streets, where they were given a fresh start. Many people shared their thoughts and feelings about the duo on the social media platform Weibo.

The priest suggested that the dogs in the temple should adopt a meditation pose similar to that of the nuns. Some people criticized the irresponsible previous owners for leaving the puppies. One person expressed regret, questioning how someone could be so inconsiderate. They felt they should never have taken on the responsibility of owning the dogs if they were unable to properly care for them.

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