A dog stood silently on the road, crying and suffering for many days. No one passing by stopped to help it.-dvh

According to The Moho, someone reported about this poor dog who was hit by a vehicle a couple of days ago and can’t move her back legs.

She clearly just gave birth and is probably distraught over not being able to find her puppies. People pass by, but no one helps her as she sits motionless by the road, crying in anguish for days.

A group of volunteers rescued the dog and took her to a local shelter. She appears to be paralyzed or have a broken leg. Sinead is the name she was given (pronounced shinade).

There were no signs of puppies anywhere, so maybe she’s still pregnant. They explored the neighborhood and asked questions everywhere, but there was no sign of the puppies!

After a day, she was taken to the Animal Welfare Center, where they took x-rays to determine the severity of the injury caused by the hit and run.

Sinead’s x-rays came back negative. She does not have any fractures in her limbs or pelvis, but she does have a fracture in her spine, which has affected the nerves in her hind legs.

She was able to defecate and urinate in the shelter, so we hope that her functions were not affected. Dr. Gama, who took her x-rays, believes laser therapy has a chance to help her recover.

She will undergo intensive laser therapy for seven days straight. Therefore, they must keep her there as it is too stressful for her to drive her on uneven roads every day.

After four days, she is still on IVs and nutritional support to try to increase her red blood cells.

She also wears a catheter because she has difficulty emptying her bladder. She continues to receive laser therapy on a regular basis.

She is much better. She can now eat and drink alone, and last night she pooped three times.

She underwent 9 laser treatments after 13 days and there is a considerable increase in her muscle and bone development.

However, her spine, like Tink’s, is still misaligned, but we hope that with more laser therapy she will get stronger.

A month later, she is in good condition, but veterinarians aren’t sure if Sinead will regain the use of her paws.

I hope she finds a home! Praying for you! I hope you regain the use of your hind legs! I love you Sinead!

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