Trapped in tar, a dog uses all his strength to bark for help, desperately seeking assistance-pvth

Trapped in tar, a dog uses all his strength to bark for help, desperately seeking assistance-pvth

 An abandoned tired dog laid down on freshly dumped tar as he was looking for a place that could keep him warm in Suwałki, Poland.

Unfortunately, the dog was unaware that he was stuck until he started barking for help. Workers nearby heard the dog’s loud barks as he begged for help.

When they got to the site and saw the dog, they quickly summoned Joanna Godlewska, an animal rescuer from the Niczyje Animal Foundation. The brave animal was able to rip his snout out of the tar, allowing him to bark and breathe.

Animal rescuers gently removed the dog’s fur with the aid of police departments and local fire departments. They ultimately succeeded in extracting the dog’s body from the tar.

The dog was subsequently taken to the vet to be inspected and treated for weariness. Over 100 ticks were extracted from his body.

The dog was given a comfy bed and a warm dinner after repeated washing to remove the leftover tar on his fur and paws. Fortunately, the dog started to feel better, and he was also treated for minor head wounds.

Farcik, the cute dog, is slowly learning to walk and will live with his rescuers until he is fully recovered. He will be ready for adoption after he has completely healed. We hope he heals fast and finds a permanent home.

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