Even after being poisoned, a mother dog gathers her last bit of strength to lift her head, desperately pleading for help to save her puppies.-dvh

Even after being poisoned, a mother dog gathers her last bit of strength to lift her head, desperately pleading for help to save her puppies.-dvh

“My heart was broken when we discovered Luna…”

She was a mother of 6 newborn  pups, after she gave birth and attempting to locate food, they poisoner her, they hid poisoned food under a vehicle where she gave birth, and the poor female became stuck, she ate those poisoned food.

A young boy spotted Luna in extremely critical position, he waited the elderly person [who left the food] gone and phoned Prishtina  Dog Prishtina Dog Shelter.They got there as soon as possible, Luna breathed terribly but still raise her head to plead to preserve her  pups. The volunteer’s Vet gave her urgent injection to save her.

They brought her into the Prishtina Dog Shelter, reunification with her kids…

She was quite weak and needed rest but she was okay…the following day, Luna finally was ready to take her first injections, which is required for her & her  pups health, she was a little worried but behaved very well, such a nice  dog.

Next morning Vet check her and everything was OK, Luna is OK as her kids still too little, haven’t ready for adoption. Luna was pretty thrilled when she saw them.

She was quite friendely, obviously she wasn’t stray  dog, someone abandoned her.

…some good views instead…

Nikita and Luna (orphans discarded and rescued the day before Luna) follow Luna, who allows them to breastfeed even though they are not hers; isn’t she a wonderful mother?

Luna and her  pups were adopted to their permanent home after just 10 days at the center. A loving family in LA that Luna deserves.

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