Without Lionel Messi, Argentina still won easily thanks to Lautaro to keep the top spot in Group A

Without Lionel Messi, Argentina still won easily thanks to Lautaro to keep the top spot in Group A

Without captain Lionel Messi due to injury, Argentina still easily defeated Peru 2-0 in the final match of Group A of Copa America 2024.

Lautaro Martinez scored twice to help Argentina win all matches in the group stage - Photo: Reuters

Lautaro Martinez scored twice to help Argentina win all matches in the group stage – Photo: Reuters

Before this match, Argentina had already secured a ticket to the quarter-finals, so Messi’s absence did not make Tango fans too worried. Especially against an opponent Peru, who was rated lower, Argentina did not waste too much energy.

From the first minutes, Argentina always took the initiative and created many dangerous opportunities. But their strikers could not penetrate the net of goalkeeper Pedro Gallese ( Peru ).

It was not until the 47th minute that Lautaro Martinez scored the goal that put Argentina ahead 1-0 with a cool shot that beat goalkeeper Pedro Gallese. In the 69th minute, Argentina had another golden opportunity when they were awarded a penalty after a Peruvian defender handled the ball in the penalty area.

But on the 11m mark, Leandro Paredes fooled goalkeeper Pedro Gallese but the goal was denied by the post.

In the 86th minute, Lautaro Martinez once again shone with a goal to raise the score to 2-0 for Argentina. This was also the final result of the match, although Peru tried hard in the final minutes but could not score an honorary goal.

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