Abandoned at a shelter during labor complications, a mama dog loses all 21 of her puppies, underscoring the heart-wrenching challenges faced by animals in distress-pvth

Abandoned at a shelter during labor complications, a mama dog loses all 21 of her puppies, underscoring the heart-wrenching challenges faced by animals in distress-pvth

According to ilovemydogsomuch, a pregnant mom dog was abandoned at the Boone Area Humane Society after she had been in labor for 24 hours.

She underwent an emergency C-section and coded twice following the procedure, but she was eventually stabilized. She received a blood transfusion and was intensively observed in Iowa State’s College of Veterinary Medicine’s ICU.

On Facebook, the Boone Area Humane Society noted, “The doctors at ISU also told us this gal is a senior dog and has had numerous litters of pups in the past.”

“She should have been enjoying her golden years, but she was bred and then abandoned when her labor became tough.”

Mama dog gave birth to 21 puppies, but despite veterinarians’ best efforts, all of them have already died.

The puppies were all undeveloped, and there was no way they could have obtained adequate nourishment while in the womb with 21 puppies.

Ruthie, the mother dog, is improving daily, eating on her own and getting up to go outdoors. She has a wonderful demeanor and has now been discharged from the hospital to be with her new foster family, where she will continue to rehabilitate.

Meanwhile, the Humane Society is doing all they can to bring charges against the individual who left Ruthie to suffer, but they say it’s an uphill struggle due to Iowa’s lax animal protection regulations.

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