Picspam: Scenes and sequences of Jason Statham's film 'Death Race' | Love scene with Jensen Ames' Wife (Starting Scene)...

Picspam: Scenes and sequences of Jason Statham’s film ‘Death Race’ | Love scene with Jensen Ames’ Wife (Starting Scene)…

part. 1

AMES: I don’t deserve you.

SUZY: You’re a good man, Jensen Ames, and it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks but me.

part. 2

GUNNER: Here comes trouble.

part. 3

COACH: She has your eyes.
AMES: They’re her mother’s. So why don’t you wear a number, Coach?
COACH: Because I’m not a prisoner. I qualified for parole three years ago. Got as far as the gate. They got a name for it, something-or-other syndrome. The simple fact is, the world’s changed since I’ve been in here. Don’t know it. Don’t much want to. But this? This I know.
AMES: What did they send you away for?
COACH: Oh, plenty. And nothing. To what do we owe the pleasure of your company?
AMES: I killed my wife.
COACH: Bullshit. You’re a hard man but you ain’t no wife killer.
AMES: How do you know?
COACH: I’ve met my share. But you, the way you looked at her… You couldn’t do that if you’d killed her mother. So… I say bullshit.
AMES: Coach. What would you say if I told you Hennessey had my wife killed and me framed for it so she could bring me in here to be her Frankenstein? What would say to that bullshit? Her name was Suzy. I was always headed here. Always knew. She didn’t. She was my chance at something else. And that bitch took her away from me.

part. 4

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