A heavily pregnant woman, moments from giving birth, pleads for food from passersby, highlighting a desperate situation and an urgent need for help-pvth

A heavily pregnant woman, moments from giving birth, pleads for food from passersby, highlighting a desperate situation and an urgent need for help-pvth

Although with a heavy stomach, she still tries to go door to door in the village to find food. Mostly, no one gives her food, they even chase her away. She often eats rotten food from the trash.

Meet Cherry! She is a homeless mother  dog that is living on the streets with no one to assist her. Oh my goodness. She is pregnant and on the verge of giving birth.

Despite her heavy stomach, she attempts to go door to door in the village in search of food. No one feeds her, and some even shoo her away.

“She often eats rotten food from the trash. When she spotted me bringing dry food today, she ran to find me. Perhaps she was starving. She is pleading with me for food.” Said the kind man

“This is a fantastic chance for me to reach out and bring her to the vet.”

The doctor determined that she was about to give birth. She will give birth within the next 24 hours. She has eight  puppies, according to the X-ray. Please pray for these children.

In the next day she gave birth to eight  puppies, all of them are safe. This sweet mother is still wary of humans, and she will bite to defend her child.

Five later, they were welcomed into their common home

Day 30 Cherry and eight puppies have grown so much, the next week eight puppies will be vaccinated.

Cute puppies are playing and seem to be having a good time. What would her and the puppies be like if the kind man hadn’t met her?

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