The puppy, shunned by people due to its deformed face, holds onto a fervent wish for acceptance and love-pvth

The puppy, shunned by people due to its deformed face, holds onto a fervent wish for acceptance and love-pvth

Arrow is a small dog who, while he is now as happy as his videos and photos show, had a difficult and heartbreaking beginning in life. Anyone who saw him as a puppy in his heartbreaking condition would have sentenced him to death.

But he never imagined that fate would send him true angels as parents who would ignore his deformity, which shocked many, and love him just the way he is.

Arrow arrived as a baby in a pitiful state at the doors of the animal rescue organization PMM Rescue Inc. They discovered that his jaw was severely broken, which coincided with a severe bite from another canine. Unfortunately, his lower right jaw could no longer be saved.

It smelled like a rotting corpse because it was so necrotic and infected. As a result, the only option was to extract the dead bone. The vets had no choice but to remove the entire lower right side of the jaw and a portion of the upper right side.

Dr. Sidhu of Bakersfield, California, was the hero who performed the delicate and time-consuming surgery on Arrow. He didn’t want to leave until he’d saved Arrow’s life and given the little dog his undivided attention.

While the assault has left irreversible scars on his little face, his personality, which has been bright and bubbly since he was a toddler, has not.

His story has gone viral thanks to a beautiful video that reveals his sad beginnings, but more importantly, the great warrior and creature of light that he has become thanks to so much love that has always surrounded him.

Arrow enjoys eating, playing ball, learning new tricks, and drinking water while making the biggest mess….. Although cuddling, slobbery kisses, naps, sleeping a little longer in the morning, and accompanying his parents on long evening walks are his favorite activities.

His family loves him just the way he is, regardless of his physical defect or any limitations he may have. Because, despite being two years old, Arrow has never lost his puppy personality. He has always been active and playful at all hours of the day, and he knows he is the most loved member of his family, so he enjoys it and “does what he wants.”

Despite having to pick up the hundreds of kibbles that fall out of his crooked mouth when he eats, chasing him around the house, and cleaning up after him every time he makes a mess, his owner wouldn’t trade him for anything.

The story of this unusual dog demonstrates unequivocally that physical appearance has nothing to do with a puppy’s or person’s true worth. Nothing could be more true than “What is essential is invisible to the eye,” in the words of the Little Prince, right?

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