A man rescued an emaciated stray husky on the brink of death and, with his loving care, transformed her into a stunning and beautiful dog-pvth

A man rescued an emaciated stray husky on the brink of death and, with his loving care, transformed her into a stunning and beautiful dog-pvth

On his way home from work, Rico Soegiarto saw a dog half-buried in the road in Denpasar, Bali. She was severely malnourished, had wounds all over her body, and was completely hairless.

She was a Siberian Husky, but she looked so terrible that you couldn’t tell. Rico took one look at this poor dog and determined he must save her.

Rico already had four rescue dogs at home, but he fell in love with this pup the moment he set eyes on her. He chose the name Hope because of her bright blue eyes, which glowed with hope despite her horrible condition.

Rico found Hope and brought her home, and her recovery began. To assist her fur regrow, Rico gave her a lot of medication baths and ate a lot of food for weight gain. Nurseing Hope back to health was an incredible job by Rico.

Hope became increasingly distinguishable as time passed, and she gradually grew more confident. As her hair began to grow back, she was unrecognizable once again.

Hope’s metamorphosis was complete a year later, and she is now such an appealing, disease-free Husky. Rico not only rescued and transformed Hope, but he also decided to take her on as his new pet.

Hope now lives a happy life with Rico and his family in Bali and is enjoying her ‘second chance’ at life!

Rico, thank you so much for sharing your wonderful story on social media!

Please be sure to ‘SHARE’ this WONDERFUL story with a friend or family member!

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