Un pobre perro supera con resiliencia la mandíbula rota y encuentra una frágil esperanza con sus pobres cachorros - luantrum27

Un pobre perro supera con resiliencia la mandíbula rota y encuentra una frágil esperanza con sus pobres cachorros – luantrum27

In a small village in India, the streets were home to a mother dog enduring unimaginable pain with a fractured jaw. Despite her haggard appearance, her gentle and loving nature drew people to her, and she approached anyone who extended a hand of kindness.


One day, a compassionate passerby noticed that the dog’s jaw was crooked, and it was evident that she was suffering immensely. Further examination revealed the heartbreaking truth – Pinky, as she would come to be known, had a severely fractured jaw. Her story is a testament to the dedication and unwavering efforts of individuals and organizations working tirelessly to make a difference.

Pinky was living on the streets alongside her puppies when a group of concerned citizens intervened. Witnessing her suffering, bleeding from the mouth, and struggling to breathe, they couldn’t stand idly by. They immediately took her under their care and rushed her to RRSA India, an animal shelter known for its compassion and dedication.

Despite the excruciating pain Pinky endured, she displayed extraordinary kindness and affection towards her rescuers. As the rescue team arrived, she wagged her tail and even offered grateful kisses to the hands extended in assistance. It was evident that immediate action was imperative to save her life.

Gently placed in a carrier, Pinky was transported to the RRSA India animal hospital. She received antibiotics to combat infection and pain medication to alleviate her suffering. The veterinarians decided that wiring her jaw shut would be the best approach to ensure proper healing.

For weeks, Pinky stayed at the animal hospital, receiving round-the-clock care and close monitoring. X-rays revealed multiple fractures in her jaws and teeth, a septic wound that, if left untreated, could have claimed her life within weeks. The only viable option was to remove a significant portion of her diseased lower jaw and teeth, a procedure that was performed to give Pinky a chance at life.

Pinky’s road to recovery was marked by challenges. She had to be partially tube-fed for nearly a month. However, the unyielding love and care provided by shelter staff and her foster home facilitated her healing journey.

Gradually, Pinky’s jaw healed, allowing her to eat and drink normally once again. Her gentle and loving disposition captured the hearts of her foster family, who decided to make her a permanent part of their lives.

Today, Pinky thrives in her new forever home. She enjoys the comfort of a warm bed, an abundance of food, and all the love and care she deserves. Her rescue story is a testament to the incredible transformation that love and compassion can achieve, reminding us that every animal deserves a second chance at life.

Pinky’s tale is just one of many rescues that occur daily at RRSA India. These remarkable feats of compassion wouldn’t be possible without the support of the community. The shelter relies on donations to provide essential medical care, food, and shelter to animals in need. It’s a testament to the life-changing impact that support can bring to animals like Pinky, who would otherwise suffer on the unforgiving streets without it.


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