Michael Carrick reunited Sir Alex and teammates at 5th Annual Gala Dinner for the Foundation Trust as Man Utd Legend hold this event for children ‎- luantrum27

Michael Carrick reunited Sir Alex and teammates at 5th Annual Gala Dinner for the Foundation Trust as Man Utd Legend hold this event for children ‎- luantrum27

Michael Carrick held the 5th Annual Gala Dinner for the Michael Carrick Foundation Trust at the Victoria Warehouse in Manchester. The event was a spectacular evening of entertainment, auctions, and networking, with all proceeds going towards supporting disadvantaged children in the UK.

The party also had the presence of Sir Alex Ferguson and Michael Carrick’s former teammates such as Maguire and Jonny Evans

Welcome drinks kicked off the evening, giving attendees a chance to reconnect with old acquaintances and meet new people who shared their interests. The event was held at the Victoria Warehouse Manchester, which was the perfect location because of its spectacular and roomy interior, which made for a beautiful nighttime setting.

As guests were seated for the meal, they were treated to an array of delicious dishes, with a menu crafted by some of Manchester’s top chefs. The food was complemented by excellent service, ensuring that the guests were well taken care of throughout the evening.

Following the meal, the auction of prizes began, with guests eagerly bidding on items ranging from luxury holidays to exclusive sporting memorabilia. It was an exciting part of the evening, with bidders jostling for position to secure their desired item.

The evening was further enhanced by the Sing Out Loud Choir, who entertained guests upon arrival with their stunning vocal harmonies. This was followed by a headline performance by Scouting for Girls, who took to the stage with an electrifying performance that had everyone on their feet and dancing.

The entertainment continued well into the night, with DJ Majestic rounding off the evening with a fantastic set that had everyone up and dancing the night away.

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