This Pit Bull Was Paralyzed With Fear Until He Learned What True Love Looks Like

As much as we would love for all dogs to have a warm, safe home right from the moment they are born, not all of these four-legged creatures have the same starting position in life.

This hard truth hit me hard when I first came across Bruno – an 8-year-old Pittie who has been everything but a happy dog with just a casual, doggo demeanor.

This Pit Bull Was Paralyzed With Fear Until He Learned What True Love Looks Like

Living in a five by five foot enclosure on the outside, he was literally found paralyzed to the bone – all due to the irrationally big fear he felt towards humans.

This is his story!

He Couldn’t Stand, Or Walk

The I Stand With My Pack team, from Culver City, California, found Bruno alongside another dog, Boris, in the back of a factory in a cage. Aside from missing some teeth and being in really bad shape, Bruno literally wasn’t able to move or walk due to fear.

After he was taken in and checked up by veterinarians, the ISWMP team found Bruno the most amazing foster  Angela Adan. 

This woman from California specializes in dog rehabilitation, and she has helped hundreds of dogs heal from trauma and begin a new journey in their life after the full treatment.

But, even Angela had to take things slow, as Bruno was still reluctant to move. She had to lift him onto a large blanket and then drag him on it, as he’s a heavy dog.

paralyzed dog

Still, the most challenging part of the process was teaching Bruno to be comfortable in the world again. And, the only recipe she used was love!

Restoring The Faith In Humans From Scratch

Angela was inclined to put as much calmness and kindness into the process as needed – and there it was! After a few weeks of being Bruno’s safehaven and his best friend – he started showing signs of opening up.

Even though he had really bad arthritis, the reason why he wasn’t moving for so long was mainly fear – and now, he started showing interest in changing his life for the better!

“This poor boy was suffering in silence for so long, but not anymore. He is now on meds and we are already noticing a difference,” the ISWMP team wrote.

He started taking food from Anglea’s hand, he engaged in short walks with her, and he even let her leash him – which was a great sign of progress!

The Most Deserving Transformation Ever

After only two months of intensive training, it finally happened!

They were on one of their walks when Bruno approached Angela on his own, looking for some cuddles. It was clear right then that he was transforming into a brand-new dog who was now ready to go to a forever home.

“This is the Bruno I knew existed all along underneath all of that fear. I knew I’d find him if we gave him some time and patience. I love this dog so much. He amazes me in his progress every day,” Angela wrote on her official Instagram.

Bruno didn’t have to wait long until the perfect family showed up! An amazing couple from California, Carla and Geoff, instantly fell in love with this softie, and they bonded right on their first meeting!

“Friends, the news you all have been waiting for! Bruno has been adopted by the most amazing couple and is living a dream. It’s truly incredible that this dog, who came from such neglect, will finally have a chance for the most wonderful life,” ISWMP wrote.

After all the hardship he had been through, Bruno was finally a step away from a happily ever after – the one that he always deserved!

He has embarked on an amazing journey with his family, and he couldn’t be happier! Today, Bruno is not even a shadow of his old self, and he definitely knows what love feels like now.

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